An Additional Example of Smart Marketing to Engage Consumers with Sustainable Behavior

Sustainability doesn’t have to be boring.

In our last post, we highlighted how sustainability doesn’t have to be boring; it can be fun, engaging and sometimes involve a foul-mouthed Salmon. As practitioners, we can help move the needle even further by emphasizing how sustainable choices can actually be fun.

ChemSec recently released a series of advertisements that align with this ethos.

We encourage you to watch and enjoy these videos (be sure to also view the video involving a car seat and a blind date), and challenge yourself to consider how you, your business and your community can make sustainability and sustainable behavior more engaging.

Related to this topic, in the future a future post we will discuss choice architecture and sustainable behavior, based on some of the principles outlined in the book Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

And if you need help understanding the risks associated with materials and materials transparency disclosures, or marketing the sustainable attributes of your products, projects and design services, Sustainable Strategies is here to help. We have experience working on the issues associated with “healthier” building materials and indoor spaces, and we maintain the WELL AP credential.