It’s time for a reset, so we will keep this short.
Our live seminars on fostering health and wellness while working from home were so popular that we redeveloped and updated the content, and created an online course that you can access at any time. The course includes high-impact strategies and was designed for busy professionals who want to get the most out of their work from home space. Create a Healthy Home Office will launch on our one-year anniversary - January 6, 2021, and registration will only remain open through the end of the month. Set yourself up to do your best work in 2021! Learn more by watching the video at the link below.
Speaking of 2021, we were asked to share our thoughts on sustainability in the new year with the Puget Sound Business Journal. In our opinion piece, we emphasize the power of small acts:
“Challenge yourself and your organization to see the value in the small acts that foster engagement and build momentum for larger goals, even if the starting point is small, imperfect or analog. These personal choices and scalable opportunities foster engagement and community, which inspire larger projects and provide a sense of hope — something we could all use as we close out 2020.”
Access the full article below.
Finally, we wish all of our fans and friends a safe and happy new year. And if you haven’t yet, be sure to check us out (and follow us) on Medium! Our latest post, “Building Owners: Engage Your Tenants Like an Airline,” is now live!